Since Ai came in the market we are hearing stories about , how it is replacing the people from their jobs  does it have the same effects on the small businesses ?  Let's know>>>>

Ai automation is defnetly possible in smalll businesse but only upto certain limites like, we have already seen the automatic checkout counters.

If someone owns a manufecturing business like steel manufecturing or other, they can certainly replace the workers easily

But let's suppose if someone owns a education startups where he teaches student about the latest technology and other stuffs

Ai can play important role in marketing your business but ultimately you will need the, designer who can improve the designs, which means less people and more productivity.

Ai can reduce the cost of laour upto some extend but they cannot completely rely on AI for their business.

We all know that when an order is place it has to be shipped, and you know AI certainly cannot do this for the time being.

Also the AI won't be able to replace the handmade market becasue people exclusively buy the handmade products at premium prices.

If you are working is sectors like customer support or any other job that can be easily automated, you shoud defnetly develop a new skill for youself.