Looking to start Dropshipping Business? Here are simple steps you need to follow to start Dropshipping.

1. Product Research 

Find a product that have market demand and people are willing to buy it.

2. Find a Supplier 

Find a supplier for  that product that can ship product on your behalf. Some popular suppliers  are Alidropship,  Alibaba and more.

3. Create A Beautiful Website 

The next step is to create a website using shopify to sell our product. For this you need a domain name and connect it with shopify.

4. Run Ads

Our next step is to run ads on different platfroms like tiktok, facebook and Instagram to generate sales.

5. Order Fulfillment 

After customer places the order, your supplier will ship the product to the customer.

6. Payment 

After order is fulfilled you will be paid your share of commission in your shopify account.