What is Prompt Enginnearing? Are people Really Making millions from Prompt Enginnearing. Let's understand 

What is Prompt Enginnearing? Are people Really Making millions from Prompt Enginnearing. Let's understand 

Since Ai tools like ChatGPT, midjourney and DELL-E are launched creators are bragging how can you make millions from prompt enginnearing. But they are not showing the proofs. 

Lets first understanfd what is prompt enginneatring 

Prompt is the command that we give to the AI in order to get some work done like creating images, videsos or text

The process of creating these prompts is called prompt enginnearing 

Now how people are making money from it?

Prompts enginnears are just selling prompts to new users who are unabe to use the AI tools to create the videos, images and texts.

Are they making Millions?

Are they making Millions?

Well not quiet. Some have made few thousand bucks in the starting but today everyone can generate their own propmts and also there are various websites that are providing free prompts for major AI tools.

Can You make Millions from Prompt Enginnearing 

Can You make Millions from Prompt Enginnearing 

Hell no, stop watching cringy youtubers that are feeding you this garbage that you can make millions from prompt enginnearing.