PhonePay Launched India's first app store to counter the Google Play Store 

Here is the complete story you need tyou shoud know about the Googel Play store controversy 

We akk know that the Google has monopoly in Indian IT space whether it google Search Engine, Gmail and Playstore 

This is becasuse Google has already tied up with the major smartphone companies that allow the Inbuild Google Apps in their smartphones 

And the major problem is that you cannot delete these inbuild app, that forces users to depend on Googles own products 

Since there is no other appstore in Indian market this gives google the avantage to force their own rules and regulations 

Google can delete and remove any app from Playstore wihout prior notice

In the latest controversty Google remoevd some major Indian applications from their  Playstore like Indeed,, dream11 and more. 

After facing these problems now PhonePay have jumped in the market with their latest app store i.e  Indus App Store