Small Businesses Play a crutial role in economy of any country,  here is exmple >>>

1. Job Creation

Small Businesses helps in job creation, they are one of the primary source of employment for many communities.

2. Local Economic Development 

2. Local Economic Development 

Small Businesses helps in money circulation who maintains the market volatility.

3. Tax Revenue 

Small Businesses help the economy by paying various kinds taxes like income tax, sales tax and property tax.

4. Resilience

4. Resilience

Small businesses can be more resilient during economic downturns compared to larger corporations. Their size and flexibility allow them to adapt more easily to changing market conditions

5. Innovation

Small businesses are often at the forefront of innovation. They tend to be more agile and adaptable  This innovation drives economic growth and competitiveness.

6. Entrepreneurship

6. Entrepreneurship

Small businesses are the backbone of entrepreneurship. They provide an avenue for individuals to pursue their ideas and turn them into viable businesses.

7. Diverse Business Landscape

7. Diverse Business Landscape

Small businesses promote a diverse business landscape. Their presence ensures that markets are not dominated by a few large corporations, which can lead to monopolistic practices and reduced consumer choice