Blogger Vs Vlogger: What’s the Difference?

Blogger Vs Vlogger

Digital Creators are growing every day in the market and there are different types of creators in different fields, that confuse people with what to call them. Some are creating videos, some are writing online, and some are just sharing images and illustrations. There are only two major types of content creators and we call them Blogger and Vlogger, today our topic of discussion will be blogger vs vlogger.

Blogger Vs Vlogger: The Real Difference

To be precise a blogger is someone who creates content in the form of articles, blog posts, and news. usually, blogger posts their content on their website known as blogs, or on microblogging sites like Medium, Quora, and LinkedIn.

This article is an example of a blog where information is passed in the form of an article. When you search some informational content on Google, a lot of blogs appear what contents article known as blog posts.

A vlogger is someone who shares content in the form of videos either short or long known as a vlog. YouTube is a popular vlogging platform where creators can share a lot of video content for free. Other platforms like Instagram and Facebook also provide the facility of vlogging where creators can share their vlogs.

Blogging Vs Vlogging: Which one is Difficult?

I will be blunt, Blogging is more difficult and saturated than Vlogging, I have been in the blogging business for more than 3 years and I can say that this is a lot more difficult and unpredictable than a vlog.

5 Reasons Why Blogging is More Difficult than Vlogging

1. Blogging Requires Extensive Research

To start a blog you need to have deep knowledge about that subject, because you have to make people understand everything with the help of your words, so if you don’t have deep knowledge people will find your blog boring.

This doesn’t happen in the case of vlogging because they can just show things and people would find that interesting. remember that visual content has more engagement than written content.

2. Deep SEO Knowledge

If you are dreaming of ranking higher in the Google search engine you need to have expertise in SEO, without proper SEO you cannot hope to get higher ranks in Google. SEO involves Keyword Research, Page linking, External link building, creating website profiles, and much more.

3. Competition

Competition to rank higher in Google is very high, we all know the first page has only 10-12 spots where top websites are placed. Now getting a place in that place is quite challenging because there are already many websites with high domain authority occupying the top spots for the years.

4. Unpridictable Google Algorithms

Google releases a core algorithm almost every year to improve its search results but because of this update many quality websites get high which results in exponentially dropping their website reach, they never know when and how Google is going to change its algorithm.

5. Takes Lots of Time

Believe it or not, blogging takes more time than Vlogging, the average time duration in which a blogger starts generating revenue is about 18-15 months which is a lot more, while the average YouTube starts making money within 12 months.

Blogging vs Vlogging: Who Makes More Money?

Money made by blogging depends on various factors like region, your content category, and running on your content. Let’s be more clear if bloggers get as many views as YouTubers, They will make more money than the vlogger considering they have the same category and region.

The reason why I’m pointing out the region and category is very simple you can check the Google official Adsense website where they have mentioned how revenue varies from region to region and content to content.

You can see how revenue potential is different in North America and Asia and this is just the sample of 50,000 views on the blog. YouTubers don’t get paid that much for 50,000 views.

This is because advertisers in countries like the US, UK, and EU are willing to spend more money on advertising than advertisers in Asia, so the bloggers are paid more in developed countries. The same matrix goes with the Youtubers, but they are still behind the bloggers.

How to Start a Blog and Vlog?

starting a blog vs vlog | socialblazes

Starting a blog and Vlog requires a different set of tools and skills, and we will discuss all of them.

Starting a blog is more complex than starting a vlog here is the reason why.

  1. You Need to buy a domain name
  2. You need a hosting to host your website data
  3. You should know about SEO optimization
  4. Skill in writing high-quality and engaging content
  5. Sharing content with the audience

Domain name and hosting as subscription-based so you need to renew them every year.

To start a vlog you need

  1. A camera can use the phone and a microphone
  2. a vlogging platform
  3. Video editing skills
  4. Some basic SEO Skills

Most professionals use leptop and high-quality cameras but beginners can start from their phone in the case of a blog, a leptop is mandatory. Almost all vlogging platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook are free you don’t have to pay for uploading your blog.


Both Blogging and Vlogging have their advantage, if you are trying to get into one of these you should consider their advantages and disadvantages because not everyone can wait to make money online. Content creation whether Blogging or Vlogging is just like a business where you sell content in exchange for ad money, the more readers or watchers your blog or vlog has the more money you are going to make.

Hello, I'm Praveen, a seasoned blogger with a rich background spanning 3 years. My niche revolves around small business, startups, and novel money-making concepts. Dive into my blog for expert insights, practical tips, and inspiring stories tailored to fuel your entrepreneurial spirit. Let's navigate the dynamic world of business together, turning ideas into profitable ventures.

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