What is Instagram Theme Page Business? How to Start a Theme Page Business in 2024

what is instagram theme page business

What is Instagram Theme Page Business?

Theme Page Business is the business model in which you create a page for a particular niche on social platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or Pinterest and upload content for the same niche, these pages are then used for targeting a particular group of people and advertising them the right product.

Here are examples of a few popular theme pages on Instagram.

You might have seen various pages on Instagram, Facebook, and other social media sites where they upload posts for a single topic like money, business, crypto, or famous people and when they have a particular number of followers they can leverage them for their advantage.

Here are the Advantages of having a theme page business.

You your page has enough followers and engagements then you can start accepting advertisements and leverage them for your profits, you can give users paid shoutouts and paid promotions.

The second advantage is that you can start selling through your Instagram page and different online courses. or if you have a Shopify store then you can derive traffic to your store.

The next advantage is that if you have a blog website you can redirect traffic you your audience.

Instagram has billions of daily active users which makes it an ideal platform for businesses to grow at a high pace. Many people are running their online Businesses through Instagram and making millions in Profit. If you are just using Instagram for fun, you are wasting your precious time.

Today we are going to discuss such an idea that you can start from Instagram and the best part is that you don’t need to spend any money if you don’t have any cash.

You require just a smartphone with an Internet connection and an editing app to edit your content.

Who Can Start An Instagram Theme Page Business?

Starting an Instagram Theme Page Business is very easy and anyone can do it, you just need an Instagram account and a designing tool, you can use any free tool like Canva or any other to create and design your posts.

You can design posts from a phone or a laptop, and then need an Internet connection to publish them on Instagram. To edit reels you can use any free video editing tool like kinemaster or Canvas, which also provides you video editing facility.

From college-going students to housewives, this business is ideal for everyone.

How to Start a Theme Page Business?

The first step to starting a theme page is to choose a platform, most platforms are free but I would prefer to choose Instagram, Instagram has a bigger active audience and most profitable platform.

The second step is to create a page with a unique ID related to your page.

The third step is to choose a niche that you want to create your page about like Business, Clothing, Money, Crypto, Beauty fashion, etc.

The next step is to make a template that you are going to use in your theme page posts so that it looks the same. After that Plan the content like what kind of content you are going to write in your posts, and whether you are going to use images, videos animations, etc.

Use relevant hashtags while posting the content, it would help you to reach the same audience.

Now you have to choose a common theme and use that theme to create all your posts and update them regularly. Once your page has enough followers you will start getting promotions.

How to grow a theme page?

Starting a theme page is very easy, anyone can create a simple page on the social media platform. But growing that page from scratch is a difficult task, many people quit after a week when they don’t get the desired result. People think if they just post the content people will start engaging what the content and start following your page.

But in reality, growing a social media page is much difficult that’s why you should have the people’s knowledge of growing a social media page because if your audience can’t find you there is no point in creating content.

The first rule of growing a social media page is to define your proper niche because you are going to target people from that particular niche. The second step is to start publishing regular content daily, better choose a particular time to post.

Now the third step is to collaborate with pages in the same niche, if you are just starting you should ask for shoutouts, and in the beginning you might have to spend some money on shoutouts. Once you have enough followers you can start collaborating with the pages to drive the audience to your page.

Creating content on trending topics increases the chances of growing your page rapidly and reaching to large audience, always observe your competitors and do research on what is trending.

Engage with your audience, by replying to comments story mentions and shoutouts this creates positive brand recognition and the audience starts engaging with the account.

Making Money with an Instagram Theme Page

The main way to make money from Theme pages is through paid promotion paid posts and story swipe-ups. A normal page that follows 400k-600k can charge between $100 and $ 150 per promotion for 24 hours. and once you have enough followers you can get 3-10 promotions per day.

Once your page reaches a certain milestone, you can start collaborating with brands and people and this is the method to make money with Instagram theme pages. The more engagement you have is directly proportional to the amount of money you can make.

The second way to start selling your own product is through digital products. If you have anything to sell then you can sell it here, since you have a large audience you can get huge leads easily.

The third way is to make money with affiliate marketing, generating sales from your Instagram Theme Page Business is also very easy. You can join a popular affiliate program that suits your theme Page and audience and start getting a commission on each sale.


Instagram Theme Page business is a long-term process, generally, it would take you 3-4 months to build followers and the right audience, and then you can start making money, expecting to get money from the very first day is out of the question in any business.

So, you have to be consistent and then see the results.

Hello, I'm Praveen, a seasoned blogger with a rich background spanning 3 years. My niche revolves around small business, startups, and novel money-making concepts. Dive into my blog for expert insights, practical tips, and inspiring stories tailored to fuel your entrepreneurial spirit. Let's navigate the dynamic world of business together, turning ideas into profitable ventures.

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