How To Make Money Selling Resin Craft

how to make money selling resin crafts

If you are interested in Crafts you might have heard about resin and how people are making beautiful items like pendants, rings, and other decorative items and selling them online for high-profit margins, So today we will discuss how to make money selling resin Crafts online.

Recently I was watching some dropshipping videos on YouTube and calculating how much profit are they making on their products and shockingly it was quite profitable, then I started searching for high-margin products and I came across Resin Craft.

When I did the in-depth analysis, I found that resin craft can be quite profitable if we sell it online and run Facebook ads. I analyzed the average investment per craft required is around $2-$5 and you can sell it for $15-$20 easily.

Let’s understand the process of how can you sell resin craft

How To Make Money Selling Resin Craft

1. Decide the Products

The first step is to decide the products you are going to sell, some of the popular selling crafts are pendants, rings, frames, and home decor items. according to the product you need to buy the inventory items. In the initial stage, you can start with 3-5 products.

2. Get the raw materials

After you are done deciding on your products, you need to buy the raw materials based on the products you are about to sell, if you are selling pendents, you need to buy pendent frames and modules to shape your pendent.

The next item on the list is epoxy resin and resin color (solid/liquid). The total investment cost would be around $100-$200 for raw materials.

3. Craft Your Products

resin craft socialblazes

If you don’t know how to make resin crafts, you don’t have to worry, there are many videos on YouTube explaining how you can make resin crafts, and it would hardly take 3 to 4 hours to learn every concept.

After that, you can try and craft the products that you have decided like pendants, rings, and frames.

4. Setup Your Website

The next, step after making your crafts is to set up your website where you are going to sell your crafts. It would cost you around $50-60 to set up a simple e-commerce website using free themes and plugins.

To set up a website you need a domain name and hosting provider. If you are having trouble setting up your website you can contact us we can do it for you.

After your website is set up, you can list all your products for sale.

5. Create an Ad Account

Our next step would be to create ad accounts on Pinterest, Facebook, and TikTok to run our product ads. Creating an ad account is very simple just a personal account. In the initial days, we will run ads one by one to get the best results.

The platform that delivers the best results will choose it and run long-term ads. In the initial stage, we should have a $100 budget for each platform to run ads and see the best results. Which would be $300 in total.

To run ads you will need ad creatives like images and short videos which your audience will watch and click. You can use canva to create ad creatives or hire a professional creator to create short video ads for you.

6. Pack and Ship

After you start running ads you will start getting orders, in the first few days it will be slow but within a week your ad will be optimized and reach more and more audiences generating more sales.

After that, you need to pack and ship the product to your customers.

7. Total Investment and Profit Margin

If we calculate the total investment in raw materials and running ads it would be around $700-$800 we will round it off to $1000 because we need packing and shipping also.

If we take the average amount spent on ads per order as $7 (it can vary from region to region) and the average ticket size is $25(minimum), your average profit per sale would be close to $9-$10 and if you are getting 30-40 orders per day you can make a profit of average $300-$400 per day.

One thing you need to take care of is that the longer your ads run the lesser your CPC will get it takes some time to optimize your ads according to platform audience.

If you are still confused about something you can read

Why You Should Sell Resin Crafts

There are various reasons to start this business:

Low Investment

As I already discussed, the Resin craft business requires minimum investment so there is very low risk involved in this business, you don’t need other funding to start it, and you would lose everything if it fails.

Beginner Friendly

Creating resin crafts is very easy, you can learn it in a few hours and craft for yourself.

High-Profit Margins

The next reason for selling resin crafts is because they are high-margin products you can sell them with up to 100%-200% profit margins.

Hello, I'm Praveen, a seasoned blogger with a rich background spanning 3 years. My niche revolves around small business, startups, and novel money-making concepts. Dive into my blog for expert insights, practical tips, and inspiring stories tailored to fuel your entrepreneurial spirit. Let's navigate the dynamic world of business together, turning ideas into profitable ventures.

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